The Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex needs a new Emergency Response Car.
The Ashford Lions Club is fundraising for the Air Ambulance KSS to reach the goal to cover the full costs of a new car.
The Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex is an independent charity dedicated to providing world-class emergency medical care for the people living, working and travelling in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. To sustain their cutting edge and innovative service, the Air Ambulance KSS receives 89% of funding from donations and fundraising efforts by the people of Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
The Air Ambulance KSS are now looking to purchase another Emergency Response Car. Especially nowadays even more than before, their current response cars are a tremendous complementary help when transporting medics, equipment or patients. The current two cars have already accumulated over hundred thousand miles each. Lions clubs of the South East have been instrumental in providing the Air Ambulance with these ground based response capabilities. Now, the time for another car has come.